July 21, 2017

Clinical implications of monitoring circulating tumor DNA in patients with colorectal cancer.

A group of researchers investigated if detection of circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA) after resection of colorectal cancer (CRC) identifies the patients with the highest risk of relapse, and furthermore, whether longitudinal ctDNA analysis allows early detection of relapse and informs about response to intervention. During this longitudinal cohort study massively parallel sequencing (NGS)  was used […]

Clinical implications of monitoring circulating tumor DNA in patients with colorectal cancer. Read More »

Impact on melanoma prognosis and therapy harbouring BRAF or NRAS mutations. AURORA A overexpression (AURKA).

The cell cycle–related genes AURORA A and Forkhead box M1 (FOXM1) are overexpressed in melanoma. AURKA overexpression was associated with poor prognosis in three independent cohorts of melanoma patients and correlates with the presence of genomic amplification of AURKA locus and BRAFV600E mutation. Activated MAPK-ERK signalling pathway mediates robust AURKA promoter activation, thereby knockdown of

Impact on melanoma prognosis and therapy harbouring BRAF or NRAS mutations. AURORA A overexpression (AURKA). Read More »